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A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs [GSP282]

Link to the Video:

Answers are marked bold and are highlighted in light yellow

  1. This builds a temporary environment in Google Cloud.

  • Start lab (button)

  • Credit

  • Time

  • Score

  1. When the timer reaches 00:00:00, you will lose access to your temporary Google Cloud environment.

  • False

  • True

  1. Some labs have tracking, which scores your completion of hands-on lab activities.

  • False

  • True

  1. In order to receive completion credit for a lab that has tracking, you must complete the required hands-on lab activities.

  • False

  • True

  1. What field is NOT found in the left pane?

  • Project ID

  • System admin

  • Password

  • Open Google Console

  1. The username in the left panel, which resembles, is a Cloud IAM identity.

  • True

  • False

  1. An organizing entity for anything you build with Google Cloud.

  • Password

  • Username

  • Cloud Storage bucket

  • Google Cloud Project

  1. Qwiklabs Resources is shared (read only) with all Qwiklabs users, which means that you cannot delete or modify it.

  • False

  • True

  1. Qwiklabs Resources is the project where you run all of your lab steps.

  • False

  • True

  1. Offers quick access to the platform's services and also outlines its offerings.

  • Networking

  • Compute

  • Cloud Operations

  • Navigation menu

  1. Primitive roles set project-level permissions and, unless otherwise specified, control access and management to all Google Cloud services.

  • True

  • False

  1. Provides all viewer permissions, plus permissions for actions that modify state, such as changing existing resources.

  • Google Cloud project

  • Viewer role

  • Editor role

  1. When you start a lab, you need to enable APIs in your project to start working with Google Cloud.

  • True

  • False


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