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Perform Foundational Infrastructure Tasks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab [GSP315]

Link to the Lab: Link to the video: Link to the channel: STEPS Task 1 Go to cloud storage Make a bucket with the bucket name given < Bucket Name > Task 2 GO TO PUB/SUB  Name = < Topic Name > Task 3 GO TO CLOUD FUNCTIONS create cloud functions name = < Cloud Function Name > region = us-east1 Trigger type = cloud storage Event type = Finalize/create Select the bucket you made earlier done next entry point = thumbnail index.js: /* globals exports, require */ //jshint strict: false //jshint esversion: 6 "use strict"; const crc32 = require("fast-crc32c"); const { Storage } = require('@google-cloud/storage'); const gcs = new Storage(); const { PubSub } = require('@google-cloud/pubsub'); const imagemagick = require("imagemagick-stream"); exports.thumbnail = (event, context) => ...
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A Tour of Google Cloud Hands-on Labs [GSP282]

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Ensure Access & Identity in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab [GSP342]

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Perform Foundational Data, ML, and AI Tasks in Google Cloud: Challenge Lab [GSP323]

Link to the Lab: Link to the Video: Link to the Channel: STEPS (will be unique for everyone) storage →  bucket → create bucket with your Cloud Storage Bucket Name . For Access Control select Fine-Grained → Press create bigquery →  select project →  create dataset →  name= BigQuery Dataset Name open cloud shell gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gsp323/lab.csv . cat lab.csv gsutil cp gs://cloud-training/gsp323/lab.schema . cat lab.schema copy the bigquery schema and store it somewhere go to bigquery go to dataset lab create table create table from = google cloud storage select file from GCS bucket = cloud-training/gsp323/lab.csv table name = customers enable edit as text paste the bigquery schema that you copied earlier create Go to dataproc clusters create cluster → Cluster on Compute Engine → Create ...